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Bible Lies And Myths Exposed. The Truth Is In There.  The Answers Are Here. My Lord And My God, Jesus Christ; I Ask Your Blessing On  These Pages For I Know That Nothing Can Be Accomplished And That No Good Can Come Of Anything Unless It Is Your Will. All Glory, Honor, And Power To You. Amen.


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Please send your questions to [email protected].  Please send ONE question at a time.  The answers will be posted here as God gives me the time to get to them.

 Jim Hasak <[email protected]>wants to know:
  I went to the 6000-year page to read your description of the "gap theory". Here's what I think: Just because the Hebrew verb "hayetha" can be translated as "became" does not indicate that it ought to be. The world's top Hebrew scholars have been over these opening verses again and again, and simply do not agree with your translation.  Further, your translation does not square with many other Biblical teachings.  Immediately coming to mind is Jesus' challenge to the Pharisees in Matthew 19:4.

Whytegold Replies:  If you do not translate the Hebrew/Chaldean word HAYAH as 'became' in Genesis 1:1 you then have a contradiction in the Bible with Isaiah 45:18 where it states that God says that "He established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited:  I am the LORD and there is none else."   The word translated "vain" is TOHOO, the exact same word used in Genesis 1:2 but translated there as "without form".  God Himself says that He DID NOT create the world TOHOO.  So if you translate HAYAH as "was" in Genesis you have a BIG contradiction.  However, when we correctly translate HAYAH as "became", we have God's Word in perfect harmony.  If you will look up the word "became" in any common Strong's Dictionary/Concordance of the Bible, you will find that HAYAH is almost ALWAYS translated "became", EXCEPT where it clashes with the teachings of man instead of the Word of God.

As far as top Hebrew/Chaldean Scholars being in agreement, if you will look at the most current translations with the most up to date information, you will find a footnote now for Genesis 1:2 stating that "was" is also possibly "became", I.E.  New International Translations and many others.

As regards Mathew 19:4, it is talking about the "beginning" of mankind, NOT the beginning of creation in Genesis 1:1.  It is talking about the creation starting in Genesis 1:3.  You will notice that the creation in Genesis 1:1 uses the Hebrew/Chaldean word BARAH.  When used alone, without any qualifiers, it means to create something out of nothing.  However, if you turn to Genesis 1:31 you will find that the creation from Genesis 1:3 on is referred to as having been also "made".  This is the Hebrew/Chaldean word ASAH.  It means to "create" out of things that already exist, I.E. 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.  (More correctly, the elements of the earth which is scientifically correct also).  Also Genesis 2:4 where it states "These are the generations (times) of the heavens and of the earth when they were CREATED, in the day that the Lord God CREATED (in creating had made) the earth and the heavens.

TWO creations.  Genesis 1:1 out of nothing, and Genesis 1:3 a creation from things that were already there.

A thought for you my friend:  Where did Noah get the "pitch" (tar) with which he covered the Ark???  Answer:  From the death and destruction in Genesis 1:2 when dinosaurs and plants were (past tense)  caught up in a great destruction.

Jim Hasak <[email protected]>wants to know:
  I also looked at your "If God... Hitler" page. Nice concept for the page, but if you ever go to Israel, you will notice that there is almost no wood there (not a modern phenomenon, either; traditionally, building in Israel has been with the readily available stone). That's why Solomon had to import cedars from Lebanon for his palace. Carpenters in Israel were what we would today call stone masons. While I agree that Jesus was probably in good shape physically because of the line of work He was in, I doubt if He dragged many logs out of a forest.

Whytegold Replies:  The New Bible Dictionary (Zondervan Publishing)  Palestine in ancient times must have been extensively wooded  as there are over 300 references to trees and wood in the Bible.  Also over 25 different kinds of trees have been identified as HAVING (past tense here) grown in the Holy Land. Most of the wooded areas in Palestine have been cut down.  Trees identified with holy places were permitted to flourish.  Trees were venerated by heathen people who believed gods inhabited them (Deut. 12:2;  I Kings 14:23, etc.).  The Hebrews were forbidden to plant a tree near a sacred altar (Deut. 16:21).  Trees identified places (Gen. 12:6;  Deut. 11:30, etc.).  Jesus used the fruit bearing of trees as an illustration of believers' fruit bearing (Matt. 7:16-19).

Also, my friend, I saw a documentary about Lebanon and they showed where the "Cedars" of Lebanon had BEEN.  Empty desert and rock now.  Things as you see them now are not as they were then.  I have seen whole mountains in the Great Divide completely stripped of huge forests with NO replanting, and no new trees as was promised.  Man never changes.

Jim Hasak <[email protected]>wants to know:
  You seem to have a problem with the Trinity. Nowhere did you comment on the many references to Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the Bible. I won't take the time to look them up; you know which ones I'm talking about. If there is no Trinity, why does God continually referred to Himself in the plural? And if Jesus was the one and only person of the Trinity, who showed up at His baptism in the form of a dove and whose voice did He hear?

Whytegold Replies:  If you will look at Matt. 28:19 you will read, "... baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: ..."  There are two different Greek words translated "name".  You will notice that the one used here in Matt. (ONOMA) is singular, NOT plural, and specifically means a "proper name".  You will also note that the words Father, Son, and Holy Ghost used here are mere "titles".  At no time in the Bible or anywhere outside the Scriptures were they ever used as proper names in the Greek.  So, what is the ONE NAME that holds and is all three of those titles???  We have merely to turn to Acts 2:38, "... Repent and be baptized every one of you in the NAME (ONOMA) of JESUS CHRIST ...".  And the first century Christians are recorded as having done exactly that.  It was not until the corruption of the Church later on that they started saying Father, Son, and Holy Ghost at water baptism, along with the pagan holidays, sprinkling instead of immersing, and many other perversions of which you can probably no doubt think of a few right now.

Also, I have yet to have ANYONE show me the word(s) trinity, triune, or three in one in GOD'S WORD.  And notice that you cannot even ask your question without resorting to words OUTSIDE the Bible my friend?

God referred to in the plural.  Our modern culture has trouble with this one.  Most people today never grew up under a king or the rule of any royalty.  So you may have a problem understanding this, but prayer will work wonders.  Beginning with ELOHIM in Genesis, it is the plural of Royalty.  It is used of Moses, an angel, and of a false god by the heathen.  Even today, the Queen of England might say, "We are going to take a nap now".  However, she is the only one taking the nap of course!  Both my Hebrew/Chaldean and Greek texts support this, as well as common sense.  To write of someone of great power or to quote them in the plural was a way of paying homage, which is still with us today in England and a few other places.  Certainly Moses was NOT three persons.  :-)

Jesus baptism:  Well, first you have go go back and read the Bible and get it right.  You have Jesus, you have a voice, and you have the Spirit descending LIKE or AS a dove.  As a dove gently flutters down and lands.  A very common misconception brought in by animal worshippers into the Christian Religion.  Now, I am constantly told that God can be in more than one place at a time, right?  God is omniscient, right?  God is omnipresent, right?  So what do you see wrong with God causing three manifestions of Himself all at one time?  And how does that make THREE PERSONS???  I, being merely human can manifest my presence in many different places at one time.  I can talk on the phone to one person while in chat on the internet with dozens of others, and still talk to people here, have people reading my web page (an extension of myself) and still interact with my family here!!!  How many people does that make me then???  Would you limit or restrict God and make Him less than man???!!!  I would certainly hope not!  Looking at it your way, every time God manifested His Presence in the Bible we would add one more PERSON to the "Godhead".  Let's see, the burning bush, the pillar of fire by night, the pillar of smoke by day, Melchizedek, the manifestation when he talked with Abraham before destroying the cities of the plains, as Jesus, as the form of a man passing before Moses, and probably more that escape me at the moment.  So we have a God, according to Trinitarian thinking, that is at least a 7 person Godhead.  Pretty silly when you think about it.  I am going to do a whole separate page on this, as the cults use the fact that the Trinity doctrine is false and was brought in from pagan religions (The Two Babylons by Hislop) to entrap people, and the fruits of the Trinity doctrine turn away Moslems, Jews, and a great many others.  Bad fruits, bad tree.  On the other hand, when you can show them that there is only one Person that is God, and His name is Jesus Christ, you open many doors.  You keep people out of many cults, and draw them to God's Love.
One last note:  Remember, most all the translations you have now were translated by TRINITARIANS.  You can correct a LOT of their propaganda and mistranslations just by reading it in the original languages.

Jim Hasak <[email protected]>wants to know:
Finally, as a former scientist who was for a period of time baffled by the question of origins, I now understand that the problem is not with the Scriptures as they are translated, but with the rubbish masquerading as science that is so prevalent in our schools and public arena today. The fact that most scientists today seem to have swallowed the evolutionary fairy tale--hook, line, and sinker--does not make the tale into a fact of science. Until 150 years ago, most scientists also believed that a mouse could evolve out of a haystack, until the Christian Louis Pasteur demonstrated under laboratory conditions that it was not true. Christians are not flat-earthers; they were the founders of the modern scientific method, believing that God is a God of order who put in place physical laws to govern the universe He created. Even the Bible says the earth is round ("He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth.")
A close look at the scientific evidence demonstrates that evolution is a very weak theory. The long ages in which most people today believe were proposed, not based on evidence, but as a way to try to explain the creation without God. As a Canadian radio host once said, Frogs to Princes overnight is a fairy tale; Frogs to Princes over billions of years is science."
One final comment: I thought the page for atheists was a great idea. You might think about challenging them on their own ground first, as Jesus often did with people. Science and philosophy would probably be ground familiar to many of these.

  Jim Hasak

Whytegold Replies:  You have fallen for one of Satan's best tricks here.  Bible FACT and Science FACT are in 100% agreement.  God tells us the ORDER in which He created, but NOT the HOW.  So there is no sense wasting time arguing about something that God IN HIS WISDOM did not tell us.  Evidently, it appears as though maybe God thought it a waste of time also since the HOW is not in the Bible.  He tells us the ORDER, the Materials, and that HE did it, and that is all.  Since God did not seem to waste any time putting the details on HOW He created and made things, then I tend to have the same opinion.  But, then maybe you know better than God???  Maybe you need to write another book for the Bible correcting His mistake???
Evolution is a Theory, and God does not tell us HOW He did it.  Stalemate.  Do you get the idea that God wants us to spend our time on something else maybe???
It is when you stand FIRM on Bible FACTS along with SCIENCE FACTS that you reach people instead of drive them away.  I believe there are many Christians that believe that God used the evolutionary technique to create and make things, and that they are going to be with God in Eternity.  I believe there are many Christians that denounce evolution and are also going to be right there alongside those Christian evolutionists.  HA!!!  I am so glad that God is the judge and not man!!!
As for time (which God created) Eiensteine proved that it is relative.  The New Testament states that we are STILL in that 7th day where God rested!!!  (Hebrews Chapter 4 anyone?)  The Bible had it BEFORE Einstein!  Stop arguing long enough to listen to each other and you will find both sides have some truth to share, and one side a great Truth.

[email protected] Wants To Know:  How come Mathew 1:16 says that Jacob was the father of Joseph (the husband of Mary), but Luke 23-24 says that Heli was the father of Joseph?

Whytegold RepliesJacob was Joseph's birth father.  Heli was Joseph's father-in-law.  If you start with King David in each genealogy, you will see that one family line is traced from King David's son Solomon, and the other from King David's son Nathan.  King Solomon's line traces to Jacob, Joseph's birth father.  Nathan's line traces to Heli, Mary's birth father, and Joseph's father-in-law.  The line from King Solomon traces Jesus 'legal' right to the throne of King David.  The line from Nathan traces Jesus 'blood' right to the throne of King David.

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